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- Title contains "over"
William Hodding Carter, Jr. (Class of 1927; Overseer 1961-1972; and 1963 Bowdoin Prize recipient) is welcomed by the Bowdoin Club of Boston
William Hodding Carter, Jr. (Class of 1927; Overseer 1961-1972; and 1963 Bowdoin Prize recipient) is welcomed by the Bowdoin Club of Boston
William Hodding Carter, Jr. (Class of 1927; Overseer 1961-1972; and 1963 Bowdoin Prize recipient)
Wallace C. Philoon (Bowdoin 1905), Samuel L. Forsaith (Bowdoin h. 1949), Prof. Emyr E. Evans (Bowdoin h. 1949), and John W. Frost (Bowdoin 1904).